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The Most Common Types of Oral Surgery

Throughout your life, your dentist may recommend oral surgery to correct a number of oral health issues. Today, our Richmond Hill dentists explain the most common types of oral surgery. 

If you're scheduled for oral surgery at Arenson Dental & Associates, don't fret. Our dentists will walk you through exactly what to expect during the procedure and provide you with all the necessary information you need on how to prepare for the surgery and how to care for your mouth postoperatively. Here are a few of the common surgeries we perform: 

Root Canal

Though you may not think of it as a surgery, a root canal falls under the oral surgery umbrella. This is one of the most common types of dental surgery. It can save a tooth from needing to be extracted and can provide relief from tooth pain. This pain is usually due to an infection in the tooth. To cure the problem, your Richmond Hill dentist will remove the part of the tooth suffering from decay.

Dental implants

A dental implant is used to secure a replacement tooth to the jawbone. The implant procedure involves placing small metal rods of titanium or titanium alloy into the jaw and mounting the crown to these rods. The metal serves the same purpose as the root in a normal tooth. In other words, it works to secure the tooth to the jaw. Titanium is used because it is lightweight and also won’t be rejected by the body. 

Dental implants are often recommended as an effective, long-term solution for replacing a missing tooth or missing teeth. 

Pulling wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth are the molars at the back of your mouth that often grow after your other teeth. Typically, they will appear between the ages of 17 to 25. In some cases, wisdom teeth don’t have room in the mouth to grow, resulting in pain, infection, or other issues. Your dentist may recommend removing the wisdom teeth if they contribute to oral health problems.

Recovery from a wisdom tooth extraction can last a few days, and it is important to follow the direction of your dentist to ensure everything heals properly.

Gum Grafts

When conducting a gum graft your dentist takes gum tissue from the roof of the mouth and transplants it to another area of the gums.

A gum graft could help cover tooth roots that are exposed, repair receding gums, and reduce any associated symptoms, including severe tooth sensitivity or eventual tooth loss, to maintain your dental health.

Do you need an oral surgery? Contact Arenson Dental & Associates today to book a consultation with one of our Richmond Hill dentists. 

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